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4 Areas of Accountability

If you have a Limited English Proficient student in your class, or someone you believe is an LEP student, you are responsible to:

1. make sure the student is identified as LEP. Although the Home Language Survey, which is administered to all new students, is the LEP screening tool used in Kentucky, the classroom teacher has accountability for making sure that no potential LEP student “falls through the cracks”.

2. teach AMAO’s. All LEP students have Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO). In addition to objectives related to English language development and proficiency, all LEP students must be assessed in reading/language arts and mathematics.

3. provide necessary accommodations. LEP students (grades 3-12) are required to take annual assessments in reading/language arts and math. In all instruction and assessments, LEP students are required by law to be provided all necessary accommodations. In general, the accommodations are the same as for students in Special Education. The KDE website has a list of accommodations for LEP students.

4. communicate with parents/caregivers in a language they understand. This includes notes to parents, class newsletters, and all information sent home to parents of all students. This does not mean you have to learn their language. It does mean that you must use available resources (e.g., interpreters and translators). For further information, see your principal or school ESL teacher.

(compiled by Albert Plucknett on

ELL World

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